Seriously, are you serious?

This journal is created by a 20 something year old woman living in the Midwest. Read on to hear about my life, friends, work, men and all the unmistakably funny things that happen in my presence. The things that leave you saying, "Seriously, are you serious?"


Being sick makes me think

Today I was home sick. Blah I know. I have come to realize that none of my friends ever really call me to talk. Just if they want something. And that's ok because they are busy people. Its just lonely days like this that I hate it. But anyways, its almost hte weekend and I am thoroughly excited. I have no dates which means I will have no bad dates, as most dates are inevitably horrible. Be it the cheap fairy, the Me-Man or Mr. I just want to screw you. So I'm a little excited to be taking it easy. But as things can never be normal, something will pop up.

So its been a week and a half since my last ink job. My family has yet to notice my "lucky stars" as I have nicknamed them. All of my ink mean something to me. And my latest edition are my lucky stars. Hopefully to bring me luck and keep me optimistic. How they are supposed to do that, I don't know. But in my own goofy way, it helps. I need to quit being so pessimistic!!!


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